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Created 13-Jul-11
Modified 8-Mar-23
Visitors 519
74 photos

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Camp 4 Hillside view Korbel, CA  circa 1928Camp 4 Korbel, CA  circa 1928Camp 8 KorbelCamp 20 , Incline, loader,yarder,slasher and spar poleDave Lewis topping a spar pole at Korbel camp19Korbel Camp 19Korbel Camp 20 at Dry Creek1940 Korbel MillKorbel Mill 1940sLoading with spreader bars Korbel Ca.Looking down into camp 20Lower Korbel bunk house 2-4-1927Frank Montgomery, Chet Martin, John Bosic, Earl Kirby, Vergil Strong, George Nelson, Alex, CharlieEK and a load of logs circa 1928Emmet & Eddie MitchelEK & ChetBill Holt and Dave LewisBill Owens, Rex, Ped & Shorty circa 192860ft. chockers on the sky line